Training and drilling are opportunities to “sharpen the saw”, that is, work on the full range of firefighting and rescue skills necessary to do the job and make sure that everyone is still doing them safely and correctly. It's important to do that training in all weather conditions, yet it's equally important to do so safely, effectively and efficiently, especially during hot weather training.
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The Stigma of Firefighter Suicide
So how do we in the fire service become better at recognizing that one of our own is “drowning”? How do we get better at asking for help? How do we get better at providing help?
Read More »Changing Safety Behaviors: How Long Will it Take?
The necessary changes in the way that fire departments operate to reduce firefighter deaths and injuries continues to move at a "glacial pace." How long before we really change our safety behaviors?
Read More »5 People Die for Lack of Residential Fire Sprinkler System
Without a residential fire sprinkler system, this fire quickly grew to a size and magnitude that engulfed the majority of the structure before the first firefighters even arrived on scene. Those firefighters were faced with an overwhelming situation from the very beginning.
Read More »Firefighters and Cancer
A powerful piece of prose about one firefighter's "come to Jesus" moment with firefighters and cancer. An equally powerful message about how everyone in the fire service needs to "get on the bus" concerning firefighting and the dramatically increased risk of developing cancer we--and our families--face.
Read More »How Do We Reach the “Tipping Point” for Residential Fire Sprinklers?
We want to eliminate preventable fires and the resultant deaths and injuries and property losses in the United States, right? Of course we do. But to make the attainment of that goal a reality we have to recognize that there are still a couple of significant obstacles to us reaching the “tipping point”.
Read More »Residential Fire Sprinklers: The Power of Words
We’ve got to stop ignoring the “elephant in the room” when it comes to fires in the United States, particularly in residential properties: we live in a culture that accepts that fires happen, fires kill and injure people, and fires destroy property.
Read More »Save Firefighters FIRST
Live with it. The insinuation in such comments is that a "me first" mindset on the part of every firefighter has no part in the fire service culture. Nothing could be further from the truth. If we, as firefighters, are not protecting ourselves or our brother or sister firefighters first to prevent injuries or deaths, then how are we able to accomplish the mission of saving lives if we become victims ourselves?
Read More »Wildfire Lessons from the Past Not Learned
Wildfire experts are telling us that fires are burning hotter and faster and being feed by fuels—trees and vegetation—that in most western states have been ravaged by drought and insect infestation. Yet people still build in the WUI, fail to take appropriate measures when building their homes and maintaining their property and then expect firefighters to come to the rescue when wildfires strike
Read More »The Dawning of the Age of Enlightenment for the Fire Service
Why do I characterize our current day as the Age of Enlightenment for the fire service? Because after decades of firefighting strategy and tactics that are based upon the “I think, feel or believe” method of decision-making we’ve entered into an era where technologies and applied research are yielding the information we need to truly move toward becoming a data driven decision-making profession.
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